It was a calming morning with the smell of dried leaves and plump raspberries on the vine drifting into a bedroom of safety comfortably lit by the warming early afternoon sun that gently kissed the olive green walls, they matched his eyes which sparkled with innocent delight. Laying upon his back skin exposed what little warmth of moisture that had been hidden beneath his diaper now evaporated with a pleasant wisp of mild autumnal breeze the tender touch of the woman who captured his affections gently changed him with soothing coos. Slipping into something he found peaceful and secure filled his heart with flutters of joy that created a deep trust of intimacy in these sweet moments of vulnerability. His delightful enjoyment of her attentiveness awakening a desire within his soul for something more for this intimacy to span beyond these brief moments to last without exception and be shared with none other for here he felt loved and cherished known in a way by the woman he knew an...