A poem on sins remittance in preparation for Ash Wednesday
True absence of virtue is poverty in perspective; for divergence from directive elicits love most elective inversely selective towards those who obey vs those that betray.
I willfully listen to Lucifers lingering lies longing to learn what I despise in the cost to earn a fake prize as then I realize the reward for what is wise comes free to me and surrender the demand to devise a grand plan that requires I act valiantly for what I’ve enjoyed is not a result of effort employed but allowance without hesitance barring any fear that compromise is punished with lack being instead reminded that despite corruption it is affection that brings slack to lay my head longer in bed when I've been bad in the sack as restful gravitations attract a clear conscience intact for performance based results are labors of lust that declare I’m not good enough making me aware of corners that are rough and standards that are tough while trust sends love that descends from above and fits like a glove giving each defeat a final shove that terminates hate begetting compassion whose seeds beyond value to equate produce sprouts that germinate as fruit becomes full I can not wait to grasp them whole and masticate upon flesh that makes my heart palpitate for everything is gift as spiritual privileges await every course of action brings lasting satisfaction forever freed from distraction great gains without comparison revealing within that everyone can relate to sin for humans have a remaining verse that gives each person worth regardless of how feckless, reckless or even worse for forgetfulness of rehearsal begins debt reversal no longer worried with the need to impress as before everyone’s eyes I undress and cease to conform as worn faces contumely show that no one knows that which grows from below until through confession what has endlessly been concealed is healed, such relief from grief rescues my soul from the toll of a thief whose condemning thoughts of regret brought reminders in failure I'd rather forget, but these have been bought by genuine affirmation of behavior sincere, regardless of persuasions most queer I will never waiver replacing desperation for approval with lasting gratification in conditions removal arousing authentic expression of my every indiscretion while feeling protection through vindication not mine as I'm made grateful for absolution most sublime knowing my faults are forgiven with time, setting me on a course of yelling myself hoarse then crying until dried of remorse for needless of recompense is repentance a tacit relenting from questioning assurance for I know myself fully and return to my home a body that burns with every bend when I resist the compassion I am given to lend or recoil from receiving the love others send so I ignore questioning if my honesty might offend listening instead to voices that commend...this I recommend is true, perfect love will learn to listen too you no matter how lewd, crude or rude.
Thus, it is of no import by how others I am viewed if from within my own soul myself I exude.
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