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Arriving at rest in seven is to achieve perfect comfort as I am. |
If death has bewitched as an idea subtly rises suggesting your prizes rest beyond your grasp unless the tools of labor you clasp than you have arrived in a prison land of demand bound by the lie that you are nothing if not achieving something grand causing this need for labor to become an echo chamber resonating failure as an earthly slaver replacing sabbath rest of play with labors of work that rob from you everyday as a thief feeding you the belief that your identity is defined by becoming perfect through practice rather then the truth that you are beloved as you are regardless of effort employed for in reality you are indentured no more to slavery who states I have a job for thee rather from the conditions of obligation you have been freed by the joyful reward of privileged mastery that contributes to society for this luxury is your endowment to be enjoyed liberally.
Such a disposition provides perspective that perceptions are beholden unto thee as unlimited access to truth most abundantly free because your need for comfort has been answered as an inheritance of deific voice resident within your humanity as resonant community produces a choice of belonging at home without ever feeling alone as you hone your craft without need of your effort to atone preventing wrath by following the path of life in the way of truth as faithful hope in love shelters you with a roof from above giving fearful concerns a shove allowing you to find meaning in everything as you participate in creation a mission of regular admission that everything is glorious gift without hesitance towards confession receiving generous absolution providing you with forgiveness as wellness springs forth from a tree that leavens lost lies decay and feed for from sin you have been freed such is the result of faith planting its mustard seed baptizing the imagination to feed upon meads of fruits flesh relieving spiritual duress without need to impress bereft of greeds envy that lusts after bodily flesh in the vanity of human depravity rather these are purged as pride's slothful gluttony is eradicated with expressions of inspiration that drive exhilaration.
You see all the toils of your hand are for your pleasurable appreciation without demand that you impress anyone on the land this privilege is grand and it’s decay causing things to become bland is insecurity of a fleeting brand whose plan has convinced you to build your foundation of worth upon bleached white sand but if by allowing every grain of pain to baptize your imagination awakening a realization of creations explanation through experience that simple existence in innocence begets inheritance without resistance than realizing this prize makes you humble and wise.
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