Pride is not about you...yes you the black, the gay, the Jew...yes you the homeless, the lesbian, the just out of prison...yes you the arrogant Christian afraid of’s about us it’s about we it’s about community and family a collective human identity that is of one singular breed freed from the burdens and constraints of judgements hate a collective body that celebrates diversity and breaks down walls that breed adversity it’s about bridges that span across ridges vast and far it’s about understanding that prisons of vanity can breed within me when I take license within my own vain identity forgetting the commonality I have with every member of humanity....pride is not about me it’s about humility learning to love my community a community that is about you that is about we that builds restores and grows intimate families comprised of everyone including you me he she them they and it and we won’t quit until everyone has a place that is a comfortable fit.
At last it is about casting out fears voice of doubt despair and depression no longer wandering in the ignorance of social regression it’s about a final decision that conclusively includes everyone by uniting us together under an exhaustively variegated and undivided banner.
If everyone felt they fit.
If everyone felt they could be themselves.
If everyone felt a part of their family and a member of their community.
What room would there be for disunity?.. for confused loyalties and disavowed children that are abandoned and discarded. If such rejection was not allowed every cloud of suffering would meet its silver lining as together we would be finding that commonality shines with brightness that is blinding aligning our differences through hardship that demands we never quit until every last childhood orphan, widowed lover and single parent had support that was blatantly apparent; until that vision was realized we would not revel in shortcomings as if they were a prize, we would rise to the occasion with efforts of persuasion together concluding that social colluding for everyone’s sake is a mistake if oppositions of division cause derision; instead we would replace isolation with inclusion and confusion with a lasting infusion of understanding, this takes work, this takes planning, this takes gathering humbly under a flag that restores sobriety to our souls making us glad that its stripes are no longer drenched red with blood nor used as a rag to drag to death those whose last breathe of pride put them in a body bag for being a human and if this does snag your conscience or convict your mind that does lag behind then cast out lenses of hateful ignorance that make you blind; it’s time you began seeing these human beings as vessels with depth of feeling as uniquely formed as your own giving them in your heart a restful home no longer wandering in the land of your mind let them find their way in by forgetting defective notions of sin undress them of fault and cloth them in kindness then you will see beyond the vanity of your own arrogant blindness for you me them and us deserve a place at peace where together we can find relief from the turmoil of a hateful thief; let pride that we are still alive in innocence of loving without judgment reign as chief embracing every diverse belief that hungers for humanity to achieve lasting peace.
Let us together in conclusion grieve the sufferings that are great by opening the prison gates of hate embracing with open arms in our homes the lives that take time and patience to restore to good health let us share generously in diverse forms of wealth whether financial physical relation spiritual or emotional let us betray our avarice and acknowledge the need for charity that does not pity but humbly supplies what support we can give our community as equity of equality within humanity embraces diversity fueling awareness whose creativity manifests imaginative solutions that incarnate an understanding of differing needs, identified and answered cleverly through pleasantly joyful silly awkward weird strange and unusual moments of unfettered ecstasy giving birth to a brand new perspective and fresh directive empowering a generation of individuals that cast out deceptive lies that claim scarcity prevents this inevitable eventuality...
This this my dear children is your future reality:
-A human devoid of unanswered need forgetting any sensation of greed by making everyone’s home a home for the disowned.
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