Forget regret on the coast of doubtful debt and I’ll bet you find yourself in time abandoned upon those same shores as you saw logs your soul snores and soon your conscience ignores the privileges that are yours.
A crime it has become to do your chores and live your life with joy that adores your efforts as everything in the past is beginning to become a haunting dream of countless memories that remind you of your constant sinning.
Enter into penitence by humbly grieving and returned to thee is a wealth of understanding that betrays the guilt you breathe freeing your conscience to be seen at liberty as a clean and holy being.
I wish for you that your soul will begin to sing and bring within thee a reflecting upon past things that have been your undoing.
It is yours to maneuver your story and sooth any listless worry by patiently wading into emotion without a modicum of hurry.
Shelter yourself here devoid of fear and seek what comfort offers care.
Regret often
Regret fondly
Regret longingly
Let regret in and let it purge your record of misunderstandings as foundations build upon crumbled logs a history that defends your legacy stating I have learned from my past mistaken living and wish to grow ever more steady through discombobulating experiences that trained me to become a steadfast being seeking a greater destiny then faulty failures bring.
My success is saved not by selfless ambition or valiant effort but delivery from me the burden to live perfectly by entering into the memory of mistakes penitently as I reverently recall them remorsefully and remember how humbling is developing as an ever steadfastly worth being.
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