Be frank but fair and I will respond teachably.
I give up to you my duality.
Every silver lining has a cloud.
Why be arrogantly proud?
Quite yourself.
Less loud. two three
You have to tolerate intolerance without being intolerant of tolerance.
<there is no loophole where acceptance is approval>
Acceptance is everything extending to the far reaches of the galaxy bringing stability everywhere it spreads.
“I am without unacceptable inadequacy.”
I can rest my head.
No more dread.
Undone deeds are dead.
I give up to you the intersection of chaos and order.
Open palms are forever warmed by daylights touch.
A closed fist grasps only darkness.
Confession expresses acceptance.
It makes a record of history.
No longer hidden within taxing liminality.
The memory is seen even when encoded in mystery.
It’s soothes me.
Each an act of sincerity.
I am real, raw, vulnerable, exposed, intimate, honest, sincere and genuine.
Do your very best to question me skeptically.
Has my story been shared fully?
Or has it been sullied by a weary soul, seeing things blurry where you wish it were clear, transparency is holy fear you see, then and only then will you feel whole.
I am sacred and bold.
Your hand in mine has consoled a heart hardened by the toll.
Ignite that dark black igneous coal.
Illumine my eyes to attract an answer for lack.
Sharpen my lens from scarcity that I might see abundant provision laid out before me.
Show me just how far the horizon extends.
You can’t offend.
Nothing builds trust in reality like opening the doors of your story.
Do it publicly.
Do it privately.
Doesn’t matter to me.
Reveal it to somebody.
Whether that somebody is me, everybody or thee.
Let it be free.
Harboring knowledge helps nobody.
It only breeds injury and collects tyranny.
Breaking down bridges and building walls against community.
Skepticism married to assumption: suspicion
Breeds division.
Make your selection: trust
And you must lead vulnerably.
Examples of transparency spread light into the hearts of everybody even those shrouded in resistance to inevitability.
Eventually everything will be reavealed about everybody and what has been concealed will no longer be sealed, it will all have appeal as a story that is real.
Don’t feel ashamed or pass blame.
Maintain no need to explain.
Just state your claim and remain the same.
Faithful and true that is you.
Despite the deleterious deterioration of competing views.
Don’t be confused.
I see you.
I accept you.
I am you.
I elect to select you.
I include you.
I protect you.
I will never reject you.
I love you too.
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